🔻 What does this tool do?
This tool helps you:
- Figure out if you qualify to cancel your lease due to experiencing sexual assault
- Create the documents you are required to give your landlord under the law
🔻 How long will this take?
It only takes a minute or two to see if you qualify. If you do, it will take about 10 minutes to fill out the forms you are required to give to your landlord.
🔻 How can I save my work and come back?
To save your work at any time, click "Continue Later" and add your email address. You'll get an email with a link to your session with all of your progress.
🔻 What information do you collect?
We do not store any personal information you share. We do collect anonymous data about the parish of our users and whether users qualify to cancel their lease under the law.
If you choose to email the document to yourself or someone else, make sure it's a secure address.
For more detail, visit the Louisiana Civil Legal Navigator Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.